International contemporary art exhibition < A P O - C A L Y P S E > Exposition Internationale d'Art Contemporain
International Contemporary Art Exhibition
Clarens/Montreux (CH) – 16.11. - 21.12.2012
Florent Merminod
Trained at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Sion, Florent Merminod mainly explores the relationships between nature and artifice through sculptures and installations. He is also a member of Visarte (professional association of visual artists in Switzerland) with which he exhibits regularly. He has taken part in different exhibitions including Waterproof in Monthey, Emblèmes apatrides at the Synopsism gallery and Rapport à l'enfance at the Espace Arlaud in Lausanne.
Born in Vevey in 1969
Lives and works in Clarens

Force le copieur
Polyurethane foam, awnings and sculpture model, 2012